Meet the Family

Curtis & Kerry Sayles

Curtis started his farming career with his father in eastern Colorado in 1980 and began his own farm with his wife Kerry and three daughters in 1987. They own and operate a regenerative farm with an intense focus on soil health and produce a variety of specialty and commodity grains. The farm utilizes cattle to further improve their land and provide natural fertilizer for growing crops.

Morgan & Patrick Einspahr

Morgan and Patrick moved back to eastern Colorado in 2010 to farm with her parents Curt and Kerry. Together with their three children, they own a primarily angus cow-calf cattle operation. They have built a genetically sound herd with a concentration on animals that finish well on native grasses and cover crops grown on the farm. This has led to the introduction of Murray Grey cattle genetics to the operation; a well performing breed on a forage-based diet.

Our Story

Upon the purchase of Patrick and Morgan’s first acre of land, the two couples toasted to the occasion with a glass of whiskey while sitting on the highest ridge overlooking the new land as well as the land owned by Curtis and Kerry. From this, the idea of Whiskey Ridge Beef was born. The partnership allows both entities and their land to benefit from the grazing cattle while producing top quality grass-fed beef. More importantly, it directly ties into the mission of regenerating the land and leaving it a better and healthier place for the next generation.