Regenerative Agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is a holistic agricultural philosophy that focuses on improving soil health by rebuilding soil organic matter and biodiversity. The practices utilized in regenerative agriculture include no-till/minimum till techniques, the use of cover crops. Crop rotations, compost, soil inoculation and managed grazing. Together, these methods can increase carbon draw down, improve soil fertility, increase nutrient density of food grown with the method, and offer more resiliency against changing weather patterns. The cattle grown by Whiskey Ridge Beef are a vital component to regenerating soil.

In the News

Dryland Agriculture
[Resourceful] | ​The Dryland Blog: An Interview with Curt Sayles
Read the full article.

Water Education Colorado
Regenerative Agriculture Gets a Boost
Read the full article.

No-Till Farmer
Leveling Up and Paring Down for Better No-Till Results
Read the full article.

The Colorado Independent
Dryland: Farmers in tough places to do agriculture are innovating for climate change
Read the full article.

Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative
Soil Health and an Era of Ecological Experimentation in Agriculture
Read the full article.

Susan Moran
It Ain’t Your Father’s Farming – New Mind-Sets and New Practices in the Age of Climate Change
Read the full article.